Wednesday, January 30, 2008

dead pigeon

a pigeon got hit by a bus right outside of starbucks when i was getting coffee and this hippy girl ran outside and was like "I HAVE TO SAVE IT!" and she got close to it and i was like "ew, don't touch that" and then she came back in with her hands over her mouth.

who cares about a god damn pigeon, there are millions of them and they're dirty and have a short attention span and a minimal nervous system.

however, the girl seemed pretty torn apart about it...poor girl.

rip little guy

gulp gulp

lately i've been drinking a lot of mt dew

is goood

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

look at these cool girls!

i really miss summer time, i think i'm more adventurous in the summer and i miss it.

i'm excited to go to the beach and play in the sun and wear dresses and skirts and shorts and my new shoes

thingz i want

stripe sweater

purple skirt

bathing suit

pink dress

chia chia chia chia

chia pet update 3

welcome to the windy city

i <3

Saturday, January 26, 2008

fred n' ginger

i just found out that my school's library has a bunch of dvds for students to check out!

there are a bunch of them that i've never heard of but i plan on going through all the ones that look like they'll be good and checkin' em out.

tonight i got "follow the fleet" staring fred astaire and ginger rogers, boy do i love watchin' them dance!

this was my favorite part, they're practicing for a show they'll be putting on later that night.

new shoes!

i got a new pair of shoes today with a gift certificate and i'm so excited!

i won't be able to wear them until it gets a little warmer and stops snowing but until then i plan on wearing them around my apt because i love them so much!


i gotta represent

i love chicago! i love having four seasons, i love that they're so extreme that i'm excited for the next one to come. i love lake michigan, it's my favorite place in the world.

i love being in the city and i love being in the burbs. chicago has so many great neighborhoods that are all so different from each other, it's like getting 10 cities in one! i love all of the museums and parks even though i don't go to them enough.

i love all the ethnic food in their ethnic neighborhoods even though sometimes i get scared to go to them. i love riding the train and i love when tourists ask me for directions.

i also love the architecture in chicago

i'm proud to say i'm from chicago!

(the river is froze!)

chia pet update

dino's got some little sprouts!

i advise anyone who doesn't like growth or wet roots not to look closely at this image (that's you liv)

Thursday, January 24, 2008


cha cha slide

i may have already posted this

i love this

cha cha cha chia!

my cousin got me a chia pet for christmas, i'm attempting to grow it for a second time. the first time i didn't put enough seeds on it even though i put as many as the directions said. it looked like it was sick and old.

i plan on taking a picture of it every few days to record it's growth and progress.

it's a dino

when sarry met hally

i really like meg ryan in this scene

hair, shirt, sweater, shorts, stockings, purse, whole package

lemon tits

i cooked with this lemon last night

it has two nipples

see how i can joke

gimme gimme

i would really like a pair of early edition air jordans.

these ones are too shiny

yoga WOga!

hey kidz!

so i'm taking as many bs classes as i possibly can this final semester of college, this includes yoga four times a week at 7:30 am.

i'm not a morning person but getting up at 6:30 am feels pretty much like waking up at 8:00 am so the early part don't botha me none. it's really really fun and great! i was worried about a few things like i don't have a yoga mat, the class goes till 9:00 am and i have other classes that start at 9:00 am, i didn't want to go to my 9:00 am classes all sweaty and gross ... i think that was all my worries. happy for me my teacher brought extra mats that we could buy from him at a discounted price! (i got a red one) the yoga session went till 8:30 am and then we had silent meditation time till 8:45 am so i had PLENTY of time to get to my 9:00am class AND silent meditation time is boss! ALSO, it wasn't nearly as strenuous as i thought it would be so i wasn't a gross, sweaty kid! at least not any sweatier than i normally am. and to top it all off, my teacher is this great man with some euro accent and he's so calm and fabulous and i can't imagine spending my mornings with anyone else. also he did a really intense handstand for a really long time.


also a shout out to casey swoyer who turned 22 years old today

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

happy mistake

i don't know what i was searching in google images when i found this but yum, this boy is dreamy.

belated birthday

i just realized this god damn blog turned a year old on january 17th.

happy birthday

Monday, January 21, 2008


my buddy just told me about this fruit that is supposed to be 'the best fruit in the world', he's never had one but he's certain it's 'the best fruit in the world'. it's called a mangosteen, it has nothing to do with mangos, you can't get them in the united states.

they look weird and fake

Saturday, January 19, 2008

i won't go outside

because it's too fucking cold

Friday, January 18, 2008

dp (dance party)

i just got back from a monthly dance party at this really great bar. tonight was the first night in my life that i wore red lipstick in public. i also wore my new silver windbreaker (sounds dorkier than it is). some kid with really thick and horizontal eye brows told me he really liked my jacket and shoes (nike dunks). i know the 80's are back and trendy but i must say, i'm really fallin for it. as i watched all the white boys dancing to the greatest 80's hits tonight i decided i really have an affinity towards white boys in the 80's. this art history of the 1980's class i'm taking is also having some kind of an impact on me, i'm sure. anyway, it was fun and great.

i can't wait for 2080!

(i'll probably be dead)

(you knew this)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

i want asian food!

i really want asian food really bad!

these look soooo good!

i <3 friends

i know a lot of people (most of the people that read this blog) hate friends (the show, not the people) BUT i love it so much!

i love the characters, i love the jokes, i love the drama and stories and the rad 90's clothes.

all of them look CRAZY in this picture but i think that's ok.

i love paul rudd, he ends up marrying phoebe in the end, pretty cool guyz!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


i just saw atonement and mmm. the scenes where keira is gettin all done up at her vanity with a silk robe on and painting her nails makes me really want a big pink closet with a vanity and silk scarves hanging on mirrors and pearl necklaces and red lip stick.

this is her in getting ready at her vanity before a nice dinner

this is her looking way too cool by the lily pad pond

jew - ish

i'm planning on going to israel this summer, this kid gave me a book about traveling there and i just read the section on the dead sea and it was pretty pretty cool guyz, i'm looking forward to floating in it effortlessly.

i also read the section of useful phrases in hebrew, here are some for you to use in everyday life:

good Morning! - boker tov
excellent! - metzuyan
not good - lo tov
i don't know - anee lo yoda'at
i don't understand - anee lo mevinah
i don't speak hebrew - anee lo medaberet ivrit
wait! - regah
please, stop! - atzor, bevaksha
go to hell! - lekh l'azazel!
go away! - tistalek!
candy! - soocariah!
don't touch me! - al teegah bee!
help! i'm hurt! - hatzeeloo! anee ptzoo'ah!

isn't it funny that some of those are in a book? haha

Thursday, January 10, 2008

being a woman

lately i've been working on crossword puzzles

i've never finished one on my own but i think i'm getting better at them. sometimes i use the internet thesaurus and i consider that cheating but without it i would get no where.

anyway, i feel really mature and i'm gonna go as far to say that i feel a little sexy as i sit working on a crossword. it's like, 'ooo, look at that cool, smart girl working on that crossword. she cares about her mind and culture."

there are other things that make me feel this way too like when i clean the bathroom (is that demeaning towards women? probably), when i put lotion on after a shower or when i take out the recycling. these aren't the best examples.


men in black is gonna be on tv tonight I'M SO EXCITED!

i was watching the top 100 songs of the 90's on vh1 last night (which was really great) and when they played 'gettin' giggy wit it' they said it really has been a 'willenium'. they're right, it has been, and will continue to be (pun intended). he's one of the highest paid actors in the world! and he raps without swearing! his kids get to be in his movies! he's the last man on earth and then he saves it!

so anyway, i'm really looking forward to watching mib.

Monday, January 7, 2008

dumb art kid

some idiot was sitting next to me in art history today. he was terrible at taking notes, the only things he wrote down were jokes my teacher would slip into the lecture. at the top of this fool's page of "notes" it said:

this class will suck

wonk wonk

Friday, January 4, 2008

also this


art of the 1980's

i'm taking classes over winter break during my school's 'winter in term' session so that i can graduate in time. one of the classes is 'art of the 1980's'. the teacher is prof. yood, he's pretty much a george costanza art enthusiast (short, fat, neurotic, etc) . he's really great and animated (which is always good in a lecture course) and he rubs his eyes like a baby sometimes. once in a while he'll repeat him self too much and i want to throw my pen at him and tell him to MOVE ON! but i don't cause he's mostly really great. his only rule is that we don't eat fragrant food in class because that's really distracting to him . . . i think this is funny because he's chubby.

anyway, while i'm taking notes in class for 3 hours, sometimes i get a little distracted or think of somethin' cool and write it down. these are the things i wrote down today!

1:13pm - student sitting in front of me (in the front row) eating fragrant meal, i'm nervous he'll yell at her.
(he didn't yell at her.)

between what i wrote above and what i wrote next we looked at some paintings that an italian guy did of people farting, it makes sense i didn't get distracted during this section of class, farts are VERY entertaining.

2:09pm - bird silhouettes on a telephone wire on a baby's blanky
3:08pm - slide projector light bulb burns out
3:18pm - prof. yood talks about making a lead book sculpture and having to make a "mold? not...yeah! a MOLD!"
3:29pm - sunflowers are kind of dopey, hanging heads

mmm that's all... here's some of the farting paintings by chia (i can't find all the ones we looked at in class)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

michael cera

i have the biggest crush in the universe on him.

look! he used to be chubby!

damn, he is SO fine

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


i've been wondering about some things:

1. why was ted kaczynski called "the unabomber"?

answer: Before his real identity was known, the FBI used the handle "UNABOM" ("UNiversity and Airline BOMber") to refer to his case, which resulted in variants such as Unabomer, Unibomber, and Unabomber when the media started using the name. (thank you wiki!)

2. what exactly is "national lampoon"? are they a group of writers? is it just a name to put at the beginning of a movie so people like it?

answer: National Lampoon was a magazine. The influence of the Lampoon had a disproportionately far-reaching effect on American humor. Its comedic influence on a previous generation of writers and performers was seismic! so i guess the movies that are "national lampoon's BLANK" are movies that have been influenced by this pop culture icon. (thanks again wiki!)

i had another question but now i can't remember it. i feel a lot better now that i understand these things.

happy new year

2008! so that's pretty exciting, right?

i have glitter stuck in my hair