Tuesday, January 15, 2008

i <3 friends

i know a lot of people (most of the people that read this blog) hate friends (the show, not the people) BUT i love it so much!

i love the characters, i love the jokes, i love the drama and stories and the rad 90's clothes.

all of them look CRAZY in this picture but i think that's ok.

i love paul rudd, he ends up marrying phoebe in the end, pretty cool guyz!


Rach said...

ya i hate friends so much, you know that, and when it came out in like 3rd grade and everyone would talk about it, i hated how there was a character named rachel, especially played by jennifer aniston cause i hate her. but ya i do like paul rudd. eww and i hate "the rachel" haircut! i read on gawker that its coming back into style with female newscasters hahahhaah

Stephanie said...

Ummmmmmm. I have to say there's a place in my heart for Friends, though I don't just LOOVE it. It's a really great recap of the 90s for me, and the 90s were a really special/terrible time.

D4N13L3 said...

Also in Italy friends is very good!
...Rachel i love youuuu!!!! ;-)