Sunday, January 13, 2008

jew - ish

i'm planning on going to israel this summer, this kid gave me a book about traveling there and i just read the section on the dead sea and it was pretty pretty cool guyz, i'm looking forward to floating in it effortlessly.

i also read the section of useful phrases in hebrew, here are some for you to use in everyday life:

good Morning! - boker tov
excellent! - metzuyan
not good - lo tov
i don't know - anee lo yoda'at
i don't understand - anee lo mevinah
i don't speak hebrew - anee lo medaberet ivrit
wait! - regah
please, stop! - atzor, bevaksha
go to hell! - lekh l'azazel!
go away! - tistalek!
candy! - soocariah!
don't touch me! - al teegah bee!
help! i'm hurt! - hatzeeloo! anee ptzoo'ah!

isn't it funny that some of those are in a book? haha


Rach said...

wait molly you are really going to the holy land this summer?! omg! you should take becca with you!

Rach said...

oh and my parents floated in the dead sea on their honeymoon! hahaha!

Stephanie said...

There were really goofy phrases in one of my Greek phrase-books. In the "Romance section" of one I learned how to say "Woah, easy tiger!" in Greek.