Thursday, January 10, 2008

being a woman

lately i've been working on crossword puzzles

i've never finished one on my own but i think i'm getting better at them. sometimes i use the internet thesaurus and i consider that cheating but without it i would get no where.

anyway, i feel really mature and i'm gonna go as far to say that i feel a little sexy as i sit working on a crossword. it's like, 'ooo, look at that cool, smart girl working on that crossword. she cares about her mind and culture."

there are other things that make me feel this way too like when i clean the bathroom (is that demeaning towards women? probably), when i put lotion on after a shower or when i take out the recycling. these aren't the best examples.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I also like doing kind of unsavory things that a man should be helping me with but not, such as taking out the garbage. I hope someone thinks we look sexy doing it, being independent women.