Thursday, January 24, 2008

yoga WOga!

hey kidz!

so i'm taking as many bs classes as i possibly can this final semester of college, this includes yoga four times a week at 7:30 am.

i'm not a morning person but getting up at 6:30 am feels pretty much like waking up at 8:00 am so the early part don't botha me none. it's really really fun and great! i was worried about a few things like i don't have a yoga mat, the class goes till 9:00 am and i have other classes that start at 9:00 am, i didn't want to go to my 9:00 am classes all sweaty and gross ... i think that was all my worries. happy for me my teacher brought extra mats that we could buy from him at a discounted price! (i got a red one) the yoga session went till 8:30 am and then we had silent meditation time till 8:45 am so i had PLENTY of time to get to my 9:00am class AND silent meditation time is boss! ALSO, it wasn't nearly as strenuous as i thought it would be so i wasn't a gross, sweaty kid! at least not any sweatier than i normally am. and to top it all off, my teacher is this great man with some euro accent and he's so calm and fabulous and i can't imagine spending my mornings with anyone else. also he did a really intense handstand for a really long time.


also a shout out to casey swoyer who turned 22 years old today

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