Tuesday, January 1, 2008


i've been wondering about some things:

1. why was ted kaczynski called "the unabomber"?

answer: Before his real identity was known, the FBI used the handle "UNABOM" ("UNiversity and Airline BOMber") to refer to his case, which resulted in variants such as Unabomer, Unibomber, and Unabomber when the media started using the name. (thank you wiki!)

2. what exactly is "national lampoon"? are they a group of writers? is it just a name to put at the beginning of a movie so people like it?

answer: National Lampoon was a magazine. The influence of the Lampoon had a disproportionately far-reaching effect on American humor. Its comedic influence on a previous generation of writers and performers was seismic! so i guess the movies that are "national lampoon's BLANK" are movies that have been influenced by this pop culture icon. (thanks again wiki!)

i had another question but now i can't remember it. i feel a lot better now that i understand these things.


liv said...

oh man! im so glad you looked up the unabomber thing!! i still think my explanation is quite clever though. im really glad.

Anonymous said...

I bet some studio bought the name national lampoon and stuck at the top of a bunch of shitty scripts they had lying around to get people to go see shitty movies