Wednesday, February 28, 2007

bus nap

last night i was waiting for the bus to take me home at around 3:20am. after waiting for about 15 min a lazy bus came swerving to a halt at my feet, i got on. the paying machine wasn't taking my pass so i looked to the driver for assistance, he slowly turned to look at me and just kind of stared blankly and had a few VERY heavy blinks at me. he started pressing buttons on the machine with no results and then told me i could sit down. at this point i was pretty skeptical about the whole situation, the driver looked pretty beat and i intended on getting home that night. as we started to pull away from the bus stop i realized the driver was literally falling asleep while he was driving. there was one other passenger on the bus, a thin man in a black pea coat reading a book, absolutely oblivious to the crisis at hand. i decided if i sat closer to the front of the bus where the bus driver and i could see each other he would get worried i could see him sleeping and would wake up, but unfortunately it didn't help at all and instead i just had a clearer view of the road ahead with all the on-coming traffic. i kid, we hadn't crossed over any medians yet, but it was scary. i was having a very hard time deciding whether or not i should stay on the bus because it was very late and i really wanted to get home but i decided since we kept stopping in the middle of the road for no apparent reason, other than the driver was sleeping, and since we were going approximately 10 mph it was a smarter choice to get off the bus and wait for the next one because i would have a higher chance at survival and i would probably get home at about the same time. all in all, it was pretty, pretty cool. i ended up getting on the next bus with these two guys who were friends with the new, very alert bus driver. they talked about the bears and every football coach ever, it was a good trip home.

this picture of gummy bears has nothing to do with my story, i just really want some right now.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

all things happy

for when you're down:

girls in the summer time

ice cream


old men and money

it's your job to keep yourself happy

Thursday, February 22, 2007

bus bus

the other night i was on the 151 bus very late at night and a VERY drunk man got on the bus, he had just peed in his pants . . . it was pretty cool.

the bus i normally take to and from the loop from my apartment is an express bus that goes down lake shore drive. i'm really proud of myself because i've memorized all of the stops between lake shore drive and my street, i feel like a genuine city kid. when i was in europe visiting a mr cihon he had all the train stops memorized and he would say them and i was impressed, although i must admit, it was more impressive that he had his memorized because his stops were in a foreign language and mine are not.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

hours in a week

i decided i was going to add up all of the things i have to do in a week and figure out how many hours i have free.

22.5 hours of classes a week
2 hours total of lunch breaks
my school says each class should give approximately twice the number of hours your in class in homework, so a three hour class has six hours of homework per week, this means
45 hours of homework a week
22.5 hours at work per week
3 hours a week of ballet class
30 min a day for showers which is
3.5 hours a week
i need an hour when i wake up in the morning and when i get ready for bed, thats
14 hours
everyday, twice a day i take a
45 min bus ride making a total of
10.5 hours per week

all of these things add up to
123 hours, there are
168 hours in a week this leaves me an extra
5 hours a day and i haven't added in sleeping yet.
i also forgot to add another hour a week for watching lost. it's no wonder why i haven't been keeping up with my plan to try and cook something new every week.

i vote on 30 hour days, it could be fun.

and i wasted however many minutes figuring this out

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


these are the stairs i have to walk on to do my laundry. it's like i'm kevin in 'home alone' except i didn't make them this way and it's not part of a big scheme to catch two bad guys and i might hurt myself.

i'm worried the icicles will fall on my head.

in the city there are signs all over that say "DANGER! FALLING ICE" . i'm always pretty worried about it because ice from the top of a skyscraper is falling a long ways. one time i told my mom and she told me i should wear a hardhat . . . she was serious.

valentine 2

these are the flowers i got for valentines day. this was the first time i ever got flowers and not just on valentines day but ever. it's a pretty big deal.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

britney spears

ms spears shaved her head.

she has a nice shaped head, not lumpy, just round.

Friday, February 16, 2007


my dear friend just introduced me to 'googie' architecture. it's the style of design that came around the 1950's and 60's when people were interested in space travel and the future, kind of jetson-esk. there are lots of burger joints and bowling allies that are in this googie style and i think it's great.

later this same dear friend was talking to me about cats wearing helmets . . . i think helmets are probably one of the top 5 funniest things in the whole world, i'll keep you updated on what the other four are.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


happy valentines day!

this is my favorite holiday because i love pink and red and because i love hearts. it's also really fun to make valentines with doilies. so much love

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


i was thinking, if you're married and you lose your left ring finger in some kind of an accident where do you wear your ring? would you wear it on your nub? on a necklace around your neck? on the ring finger of your right hand? and if you did wear it on your right hand or on a necklace would you have your spouse do the same?

when i was a little kid i took gymnastics and my teacher was missing his left ring finger because his wedding band got caught on some gymnastics equipment and took his finger off. he would always tell his new students that they must take off all jewelry before class because they could lose a finger like he did. it really made an impression on me, i think he was the first person i had ever met or even seen that was missing a finger.

over the summer this cool kid was working at an envelope factory and i was worried he would lose a finger in the big cutting machines but then i told him that it could be cool to lose just one finger because you could get a wooden finger like in the royal tenenbaums.


twerp is a really good word, i had forgotten about it. (did i spell it correctly?)


it's really snowy in chicago today and i found a super cool website that has photographs of snowflakes really close up. they make me really happy to look at.

i hope you think these are as cool as i do. ya know, it's funny cause i've seen photographs like these before but for some reason today i'm very impressed with them.

Monday, February 12, 2007


last night my friend, paul n, invited me and our other friend, molly h, to go with him to a show at some kid's apartment. it was a really cool place in wicker park with really high ceilings and a cement floor, very lofty. anyway, my friend knew this kid from indiana who was playing in the show and he was really excited about it. he kept telling me he had the best voice of anyone in the world and that he could listen to him for hours. i was like, "ok paul" i wasn't that excited. the first two bands that played were these art kids whose music was uber depressing, no fun at all. anyway, as it turns out, paul was right. this kid was really amazing and i really, really liked his music. i never get that into music but this kid was really incredible and i think everybody should listen to him. his name is joe but his one man band is 'elephant micah'.

for reals, he's super cool and really nice and when he was done with his set i wanted to give him a hug but i pussed out.

after joe played, another really depressing art kid band played and it was kind of awkward because it was really quiet and no one was making any noise at all, in fact, you could hear people peeing in the bathroom. molly h and i had one of those moments when it's wildly inappropriate to laugh but you just can't help it and you try with all you've got to hold it in but you just can't stop, it was a really good laugh, i haven't had one of those since grade school.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


it's very very cold outside.

one time, a few years ago, i was walking to school with my best friend and it was very, very cold outside. she wasn't wearing a hat and it had gotten to the point where she couldn't bare the pain in her frozen ears and she said, "my ears are bleeding i bet!" i laughed and laughed and laughed. it's still funny right now.

Friday, February 9, 2007

amy and kitty

my boss just told me a wonderful story about being on a plane from chicago to new york city with amy sedaris. there was some kind of issue and the plan had to land early and it turned out my bosses, kitty and kelly, a guy my bosses were traveling with and amy all took a cab to the train station and then the train to nyc and then another cab together. kitty said at one point in the cab the other guy they were with called his wife to tell her he was going to be late and amy was yelling in the background "come back to bed honey! i've got doughnuts for you!"

i absolutely love amy sedaris and my boss kitty is probably second after amy so this story makes for one of my tops. i wish i could ride in a cab with amy, that would be a good day.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

twenty bloggies! cheerios

i've been doing some research on the golden ratio cause i think it's really cool.

i decided i wanted to try to find it, and i did! in a cheerios box! i don't know what that means but i think it's really cool. and in class the other day my teacher showed us a bunch of other things that have the ratio like credit cards, seashells and a lot of other stuff.

Monday, February 5, 2007


i felt bad that i posted a picture of my cat but not of my dog.

this is magic, he's my dog. magic has a very charming underbite

hair dryer

last night i learned how to blow dry my hair. i just did it and it worked and it looked pretty ok. i bet i could have done it a while ago but i think i must have had a bad experience as a child that turned me off of blow drying my hair.

Friday, February 2, 2007


the lil' groundhog did NOT see his shadow! my wish came true!


happy groundhog day

i hope he doesn't see his shadow (that means a shorter winter). i still don't totally understand how the person who decides whether or not he sees his shadow makes his decision. i feel like there are holes in the system.

the history of groundhog day is not that interesting, i think it's more interestiing/funny that it's a holiday at all. also, groundhogs are disgustingling adorable. (to see history go to: )

Thursday, February 1, 2007

the biggest

today i went to the Art Institute of Chicago. in the bathroom i heard THE BIGGEST FART i have EVER heard in my entire life from the stall next to me. at first i didn't even think it was real, it echoed in the toilet bowl and i laughed and then called my best friend to tell her.