Friday, February 16, 2007


my dear friend just introduced me to 'googie' architecture. it's the style of design that came around the 1950's and 60's when people were interested in space travel and the future, kind of jetson-esk. there are lots of burger joints and bowling allies that are in this googie style and i think it's great.

later this same dear friend was talking to me about cats wearing helmets . . . i think helmets are probably one of the top 5 funniest things in the whole world, i'll keep you updated on what the other four are.


Stephanie said...

Isn't it goofy that it's called "googie"? Who came up with that?

My friend Jenna knew this girl in her dorm freshman year with wonky-ass eyes, and they called her "Googs" behind her back.

Anonymous said...

ahh ha! I always thought it was called 50s futuristic. You’re right, that is a very cool era. There are actually a few movie theaters done is this style and they are just jaw drop awesome.