Wednesday, February 21, 2007

hours in a week

i decided i was going to add up all of the things i have to do in a week and figure out how many hours i have free.

22.5 hours of classes a week
2 hours total of lunch breaks
my school says each class should give approximately twice the number of hours your in class in homework, so a three hour class has six hours of homework per week, this means
45 hours of homework a week
22.5 hours at work per week
3 hours a week of ballet class
30 min a day for showers which is
3.5 hours a week
i need an hour when i wake up in the morning and when i get ready for bed, thats
14 hours
everyday, twice a day i take a
45 min bus ride making a total of
10.5 hours per week

all of these things add up to
123 hours, there are
168 hours in a week this leaves me an extra
5 hours a day and i haven't added in sleeping yet.
i also forgot to add another hour a week for watching lost. it's no wonder why i haven't been keeping up with my plan to try and cook something new every week.

i vote on 30 hour days, it could be fun.

and i wasted however many minutes figuring this out

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