Tuesday, February 13, 2007


i was thinking, if you're married and you lose your left ring finger in some kind of an accident where do you wear your ring? would you wear it on your nub? on a necklace around your neck? on the ring finger of your right hand? and if you did wear it on your right hand or on a necklace would you have your spouse do the same?

when i was a little kid i took gymnastics and my teacher was missing his left ring finger because his wedding band got caught on some gymnastics equipment and took his finger off. he would always tell his new students that they must take off all jewelry before class because they could lose a finger like he did. it really made an impression on me, i think he was the first person i had ever met or even seen that was missing a finger.

over the summer this cool kid was working at an envelope factory and i was worried he would lose a finger in the big cutting machines but then i told him that it could be cool to lose just one finger because you could get a wooden finger like in the royal tenenbaums.

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