Wednesday, February 28, 2007

bus nap

last night i was waiting for the bus to take me home at around 3:20am. after waiting for about 15 min a lazy bus came swerving to a halt at my feet, i got on. the paying machine wasn't taking my pass so i looked to the driver for assistance, he slowly turned to look at me and just kind of stared blankly and had a few VERY heavy blinks at me. he started pressing buttons on the machine with no results and then told me i could sit down. at this point i was pretty skeptical about the whole situation, the driver looked pretty beat and i intended on getting home that night. as we started to pull away from the bus stop i realized the driver was literally falling asleep while he was driving. there was one other passenger on the bus, a thin man in a black pea coat reading a book, absolutely oblivious to the crisis at hand. i decided if i sat closer to the front of the bus where the bus driver and i could see each other he would get worried i could see him sleeping and would wake up, but unfortunately it didn't help at all and instead i just had a clearer view of the road ahead with all the on-coming traffic. i kid, we hadn't crossed over any medians yet, but it was scary. i was having a very hard time deciding whether or not i should stay on the bus because it was very late and i really wanted to get home but i decided since we kept stopping in the middle of the road for no apparent reason, other than the driver was sleeping, and since we were going approximately 10 mph it was a smarter choice to get off the bus and wait for the next one because i would have a higher chance at survival and i would probably get home at about the same time. all in all, it was pretty, pretty cool. i ended up getting on the next bus with these two guys who were friends with the new, very alert bus driver. they talked about the bears and every football coach ever, it was a good trip home.

this picture of gummy bears has nothing to do with my story, i just really want some right now.


Stephanie said...

God, those gummies look good.

Myke showed me the text message you sent, I was rather worried. I'm glad you made it out alive.

Anonymous said...

Molly did you happy to get the buses number or the drivers bag number? This is not good.