Monday, February 12, 2007


last night my friend, paul n, invited me and our other friend, molly h, to go with him to a show at some kid's apartment. it was a really cool place in wicker park with really high ceilings and a cement floor, very lofty. anyway, my friend knew this kid from indiana who was playing in the show and he was really excited about it. he kept telling me he had the best voice of anyone in the world and that he could listen to him for hours. i was like, "ok paul" i wasn't that excited. the first two bands that played were these art kids whose music was uber depressing, no fun at all. anyway, as it turns out, paul was right. this kid was really amazing and i really, really liked his music. i never get that into music but this kid was really incredible and i think everybody should listen to him. his name is joe but his one man band is 'elephant micah'.

for reals, he's super cool and really nice and when he was done with his set i wanted to give him a hug but i pussed out.

after joe played, another really depressing art kid band played and it was kind of awkward because it was really quiet and no one was making any noise at all, in fact, you could hear people peeing in the bathroom. molly h and i had one of those moments when it's wildly inappropriate to laugh but you just can't help it and you try with all you've got to hold it in but you just can't stop, it was a really good laugh, i haven't had one of those since grade school.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hey Molly, thanks for the patronage of my blog...I haven't even told anyone about it because I'm not traveling yet, so it'll be pretty boring until mid-March. I will read Bloggy faithfully....I have nothing else to do but read blogs.