Wednesday, January 31, 2007

my cat

his name is elmo

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

bonjour le minet

i like this


i'm at work and i'm very bored and i have a lot of homework to do but i can't do it untill i leave work.

this is what i do at my job:
arrive at 9am
turn on the heat
plug in the printer
check the voicemail
go on my computer check my daily internet things and go online
my two bosses come in around 10 00 - 10 30
sometimes they have dvd reels for me to fed-ex
sometimes they have dvd reels for me to call a bike messenger to pick up
sometimes the phone rings and i say "monaghan and halpine . . . sure may i ask who's speaking . . . just a minute"
(monaghan and halpine when said quickly sounds like monaghan helpline)

at noon i go and get lunch for the three of us, they either want macy's and get "one tim's chopped salad and one goat cheese salad" or they want california pizza kitchen and order "one original chopped salad with garbonzo beans, one field greens salad with chicken and one pea soup." (i walk to macy's and take a taxi to cpk) i get to pick anything i want from either of those places for my lunch and they pay for it.
around 3 00 - 3 30 it's time for coffee, i go to starbucks and order some variation of a tall skim latte with a sugarfree pump of something and a quad expresso also with a pump of sugar free something, and then something for myself, i try to switch it up each time.
around 4 30 i empty all of the garbage cans and bring them to the garbage shoot

at 5 00 i pack up and say "ok i'll see you (the next day i'll be in) i'll take these packages, have a good night" and then i take any fed-ex packages to the fed-ex around the block
it's actually a really great job, i get free lunch that's usually too big for me to finish so it ends up being a free dinner too and i get most of my reading type homework done.

today i ordered a grande iced black tea with sweetener, it was great.

Monday, January 29, 2007


humongous: extremely large; enormous. SLANG extraordinarily large.

my friend entered "humongous old woman" into google images and found this



many people make the distinction between toads and frogs based solely on their appearance. because toads burrow and inhabit dry environments they have drier, leatherier skin for better water retention and camouflage. since the distinctions between frogs and toads are only skin deep and a result of environment they offer no reliable guidance to what other species they have evolved from.

almost every toad belonging to the BUFONIDAE family have two lumps on the the sides of the back of their heads.

a toad also has glands that contain poison that is released and "oozes" out when the toad is stressed out.

i think it's very funny to think about a stressed out toad. i would like to thank wikipedia for the above information on toads.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

lucky pennies

if i find a penny on the floor of my bedroom, does it still count as a lucky penny? i think so.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

nike dunks

this morning i woke up for my first day back to school after a long winter break. i couldn't decide whether i should wear my brown loafers with navy socks or my red and blue nike dunks. after trying both on with my outfit i went with the loafers and headed out for the bus. as i approached the stop my bus was pulling away, i ran for it and knocked on the windows to catch the drivers attention. i've seen others do this before and it always works the problem was that i was so focused on not getting hit by the bus but getting close enough to knock on the window that i wasn't paying attention to the difference in ground level between the street and the sidewalk. my left ankle rolled down the side of the curb and my right knee went down. the bus stopped, i stood up quickly and extremely awkwardly, i'm sure, and then got on the bus. i'm really glad the bus stopped and i didn't have to recover from my half fall and walk over to the bus stop full of the people that had just witnessed my failed attempt to catch a bus. i bet if i had worn my nike dunks none of this would have happened.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


i've decided i really want to learn how to be a good cook. cooking is always pretty fun and not too stressful and you always get to appriciate the end product when you get to eat it. it's also a good feeling when you can make something for someone else. i've decided i'm going to try to learn how to cook something new either once a week or once every two weeks. i wasn't going to tell anyone but i decided that if i kept it to myself i would never do it and now i have to do it or risk the chance of looking like a liar and a bum!

this week i'm going to try to make:

garlic chicken

4 large chicken breasts
2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoon olive oil or vegetable oil
4 minced garlic cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground sage
1/2 teaspoon salt

preheat the oven to 425°f. rinse chickens and pat dry. place chicken in a shallow roasting pan, skin side up. in a small bowl, combine the lemon juice, oil, garlic, salt and sage. brush mixture on the chicken breasts.

bake for 35 minutes or until chicken is tender and no longer pink. baste the chicken twice with the lemon and garlic mixture.

favorite night

one night I went to dinner with my mom and we were sitting next to an elderly couple and the old man started talking to us. he said they had been married for 43 years and it was his wife’s birthday. he started giving me advise on life and i really liked it. he said there's physical attraction and there's love and that physical attraction is good but its not love and i shouldn't confuse the two. he said his wife loves him and that they never argue about money. the whole time his wife was smiling and eating and nodding her head, i really liked her because i could tell she had heard him give this speech about a billion times but she didn't care that she had to hear it again, it was really good. he told me a bunch of other stuff too like how you should choose your friends wisely and that it takes a long time to make a real friend. he said you should hug people that are important and people that are regular and that he has hugged the mayor and that he hugs waiters and waitresses, at the end of dinner me and my mom hugged him. he said other stuff too but i can't remember all of it, it was one of my very favorite nights.

Monday, January 22, 2007


i really really really want a short fitted leather jacket like this

i feel like i could be really cool in a jacket like that.

valentines day is my absolute most favorite holiday, last night i made the best valentine i've ever made in my life.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


the bears won, WOOT!

this is a picture that showed up on google images after searching "walter big lebowski" hahahaha

da bears

the bears are playing an important football game today, i don't totally understand what it means if they win but for some reason i'm excited to watch it. i even thought about going to target or walgreens to get a bears sweatshirt to wear while i watch the game on the tube. i'm sure i'll sit down and watch the first 10 min and then get bored and just wait for my dad to tell me how it ended but never the less, i'm pumped!

also, i watched 'guys and dolls' last night and it's a really great movie, i hate theater kids but i love musicals

my parents are planning to move to michigan this summer. they've been going to look at a bunch of houses and some land, my dad wants to build. my mom told me it's always been my dad's dream to build a house, she said she can't justify moving into a house that's not their dream home knowing her husbands itching to design the perfect cottage for them to grow old in. i think if i get sick of the bears game i'll start designing a home for my parents.

finally, i got my hair cut the other day and i was telling my hair dresser about the trip i had just taken to europe to visit a boy and when i told her i wouldn't see him again until june she said 'you're going to have to screw his brains out in june to make up for lost time'. it was awkward and i didn't know quite how to respond at the time but now i think it's really great that she felt comfortable saying it to me, i feel like we could talk about anything. the whole conversation just reinforced my theory that the best way to get close to someone is to talk about sex and poop.

Friday, January 19, 2007

old people

i've been waking up way too early recently but i think i kind of like it, it gives me more time to be lazy and do nothing and not feel bad about it. i'm getting my haircut today, i'm pretty excited. i'm also gonna help my grandma go through all of her photographs and pick some out to frame and hang up in her home. i'm really excited to see old pictures of my mom and her family.

it sucks when parents name there kids "will wilkinson" or "rob roberts", i really feel bad for those kids.

i think out of all the different kinds of people in the world old men are my favorite, i love them. (it's always a bonus when they are with an old lady friend.)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


today i told my father's twin brother about my recent trip to europe. he told me he didn't think of me as a little girl anymore, something about seeing the adult, or i believe he said "woman", in me. i don't really know what he was talking about but i decided it seemed like a good time to start a blog.