Thursday, January 25, 2007

nike dunks

this morning i woke up for my first day back to school after a long winter break. i couldn't decide whether i should wear my brown loafers with navy socks or my red and blue nike dunks. after trying both on with my outfit i went with the loafers and headed out for the bus. as i approached the stop my bus was pulling away, i ran for it and knocked on the windows to catch the drivers attention. i've seen others do this before and it always works the problem was that i was so focused on not getting hit by the bus but getting close enough to knock on the window that i wasn't paying attention to the difference in ground level between the street and the sidewalk. my left ankle rolled down the side of the curb and my right knee went down. the bus stopped, i stood up quickly and extremely awkwardly, i'm sure, and then got on the bus. i'm really glad the bus stopped and i didn't have to recover from my half fall and walk over to the bus stop full of the people that had just witnessed my failed attempt to catch a bus. i bet if i had worn my nike dunks none of this would have happened.

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