Sunday, April 29, 2007


it's my birfday

i'm gonna be just like her

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

elvis lamp

i need this, i need it SO bad

also, there were a lot of worms on the sidewalk this morning because it's getting warm and rainy.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


my teacher sent everyone in my class an email and it's kind of lame but i kind of like it, he said this:

Beautiful drawings make beautiful space.

Architecture is the creative response to human needs.

Only thorough understanding the problem can you find the solution.

Intimate space can not be conceived or executed from a birds eye view.

You are here to civilize the world - no one else has your skill and responsibility.

Cheers, G.

wonk wonk


there's a special boy living in france who just got famous on a website

he's one of my favorites

also, i registered for classes for next school year, i signed up for spanish 1 and i'm SO EXCITED!

Friday, April 20, 2007

little debbie

my mom is the coolest mom there ever was. amoung other things, she links me too cool websites that she finds. the latest website she sent to me was this:

it has all the best things ever in the world, ever. these are some of my favorites:

these are very cool plates with ladies, both naked and clothed, deer, hearts, wood grain and cow meat.

these are boxes of soap. one box is for naked ladies and the other is for babies.

this is a notebook with puppies on the cover, puppies that are fluffy, puppies that poop and puppies that hump.

these are some of my favorite things on the website. a naked camera, King Poop and tiny dancers

ps you gotta click on the images and make them bigger because they're too small to appreciate!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

blue mouth

i really really like it when your mouth turns blue after eating blue candy. not just blue, other colors too.

lately i've been buying candy and drinks solely based on what color they'll turn my mouth.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Monday, April 9, 2007

sam cooke

sam cooke was "the king of soul" in the 50's and 60's and i've been listening to his song "i'll come running back to you" on repeat for about 20 min now.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

happy easter

last night i was at my grandma's with extended family that i don't get too see that often and we played a game called "egg-stravaganza". we had to decorate an egg and then fight them by tapping them together pointy side first and whose ever egg cracks looses. it might sound kinda lame but it was BOSS!

i made two eggs because my cousin's gf didn't want to. these are some of the eggs my family made:

this is my eyeball egg, it won the whole competition

this is my uncles mask egg

this is my brick wall egg, it lost in the first round

this is my mom's asian egg

this is my cousins boxing egg

this has been the best easter ever, in the world.

Friday, April 6, 2007


i've wanted a garden gnome for a long time but the ones on the internet are a lot of money. today i found one for $3 at walgreens and named him chico. i was going to buy a pet fish and name it chico but now i don't have to.

this is chico my new garden gnome.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


i just got the best e-mail i've ever gotten in my life from "a man with a moustache".

this is my drawing of a moustache

the bahama people called me and told me they had my two free tickets for a cruise to the bahamas. i asked the lady what the catch was and she told me they're an advertising company and they get free trips, they have so many that they can't use some of them and have decided to give them away. she told me the catch was "insert name of advertising company here cause i forgot it". what? does that mean i have to wear a hat and shirt with the company's name on it the whole trip? and then she was like "when you get back you have to tell everyone you know how much fun you had and how our company gave you the trip. i can't decide whether or not this is real. she said she would need my credit card because i have to pay the $60 per person ahead of time to secure my tickets. i have 30 days.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

just say no

on the bus yesterday, on my way to school, i sat across from a young man, he was reading a book titled "how to say no without feeling guilty" and taking notes. i thought to my self, "huh, i wonder what kind of a situation he got himself into that made him buy that book."

i'm bummed cause i just missed a call from this really cool kid in france that i haven't talked to in a while. he's growing a mustache.


these are all of the shoes that i want right now, there are probably a lot more that i want but haven't seen . . .

Sunday, April 1, 2007

april fools

none of this is foolin':

i went to a male strip club last night, it was the most disgusting, hilarious night of my life and i'm never going back. one of the strippers smacked my ass.

i just had this conversation with a friend of mine, we'll call him Jerome-

Jerome "i just farted and it smells terrible, i don't know why. wait, don't pay attention to that."
Me "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA, YOU'RE SO GROSSSS. is it as bad as on the train that one time?"
Jerome "no not that bad, that one upset some black people."

(he's not racist, i don't think.)

my big bro asked a big question and got a big answer