Sunday, April 8, 2007

happy easter

last night i was at my grandma's with extended family that i don't get too see that often and we played a game called "egg-stravaganza". we had to decorate an egg and then fight them by tapping them together pointy side first and whose ever egg cracks looses. it might sound kinda lame but it was BOSS!

i made two eggs because my cousin's gf didn't want to. these are some of the eggs my family made:

this is my eyeball egg, it won the whole competition

this is my uncles mask egg

this is my brick wall egg, it lost in the first round

this is my mom's asian egg

this is my cousins boxing egg

this has been the best easter ever, in the world.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

The egg-cracking is a Greek tradition!

Also, everyone in your family seems to be an artist. Great eggs!