Sunday, April 1, 2007

april fools

none of this is foolin':

i went to a male strip club last night, it was the most disgusting, hilarious night of my life and i'm never going back. one of the strippers smacked my ass.

i just had this conversation with a friend of mine, we'll call him Jerome-

Jerome "i just farted and it smells terrible, i don't know why. wait, don't pay attention to that."
Me "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA, YOU'RE SO GROSSSS. is it as bad as on the train that one time?"
Jerome "no not that bad, that one upset some black people."

(he's not racist, i don't think.)

my big bro asked a big question and got a big answer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

smack that, out on the floor, smack that