Wednesday, October 31, 2007


happy halloween!


Saturday, October 27, 2007

maia wilkins

i've already talked about her before when i met her on a bus last winter but i just love her so much and i think shes so great and i wish everyone in the world knew who she was and appreciated her as much as i do.

so elegant and classy

ballet class

i miss taking ballet classes, they're VERY happy

i'm going to start taking them again once i'm outta school with raquel (rachel ie thingsilikerightnow)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

new clock!

since we moved in to our apt there has been construction on the clock of the wrigley building, that is until now. we got a new clock!

the view:

check out that sky, huh?

the clock:

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


i was doing laundry late last night and as i was folding my clothes in the laundry room in the basement of my building i watched a history channel special about the mayan calendar. they (the mayans) predicted a lot of shit and a lot of it was right, this includes "the end of a cycle, a big change, a new beginning" ie the end of the world on december 12, 2012. i guess on this day the sun will align with the milky-way and the earth will complete some axis that happens very rarely and the sun will create a black hole in the milky-way and the earth will be at a new angle and then there will be an enormous cosmic alteration. it's quite unfair.

they predicted their own end, and they were right. i'm scared

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


tips for pooping in a small public bathroom in close proximity to others:

1. when you sit down, try to cover the whole seat with your bum

2. courtesy flush (an intermediate flush before you're done)

3. the real flush (when you're all done)

4. close the lid

5. light a match (keep a book of matches in your pocket or purse)

6. if there's an air freshener, use it

7. wash your hands with soap (that’s just sanitary)

8. close the bathroom door behind you (some people think the room will air out more quickly if they open the door but this just makes everyone near by have to deal with your shit)

and remember:

everybody poops, never be ashamed

ha! poop makes me laugh

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


i just came up with a list of 45 movies, while putting off my homework duties (doodies), that i need to buy.

these are 10 movies out of my (incomplete) list in no order:
1 Sister Act 2: Back in the Habbit
2 Billy Elliot
3 Home Alone
4 Now and Then
5 West Side Story
6 The Wizard of Oz
7 Back to the Future
8 Super Bad
9 My Fair Lady
10 Corrina Corrina



lately i'm pretty into really classy looking people.

i want to be classier

here are some clothes i want that i think are classy:

i'm very excited for thanksgiving, i've already picked out what i'm going to wear. it's one of my very favorite holidays after valentines day and christmas, probably just before halloween . . . maybe, i haven't really thought about it that carefully.

maybe this isn't "all things happy" as much as it is "things i want" (but things i want make me happy)