Wednesday, October 24, 2007


i was doing laundry late last night and as i was folding my clothes in the laundry room in the basement of my building i watched a history channel special about the mayan calendar. they (the mayans) predicted a lot of shit and a lot of it was right, this includes "the end of a cycle, a big change, a new beginning" ie the end of the world on december 12, 2012. i guess on this day the sun will align with the milky-way and the earth will complete some axis that happens very rarely and the sun will create a black hole in the milky-way and the earth will be at a new angle and then there will be an enormous cosmic alteration. it's quite unfair.

they predicted their own end, and they were right. i'm scared


Rach said...

fuck u!

Anonymous said...


Stephanie said...

Nostradamus thinks so too.

And right before Christmas!