Tuesday, October 23, 2007


tips for pooping in a small public bathroom in close proximity to others:

1. when you sit down, try to cover the whole seat with your bum

2. courtesy flush (an intermediate flush before you're done)

3. the real flush (when you're all done)

4. close the lid

5. light a match (keep a book of matches in your pocket or purse)

6. if there's an air freshener, use it

7. wash your hands with soap (that’s just sanitary)

8. close the bathroom door behind you (some people think the room will air out more quickly if they open the door but this just makes everyone near by have to deal with your shit)

and remember:

everybody poops, never be ashamed

ha! poop makes me laugh


Rach said...

hahah do you do these steps?

liv said...

you flush in the middle of your poop?