Friday, March 30, 2007

cassette tapes

i really like cassette tapes. i like the way they look, i like their size, i like the way they sound when you drop them and i like the way they sound when they're in a box with a lot of other cassette tapes just like them.

i'm in the mood to make a mixed tape but i don't have a cassette tape player.

officially spring UPDATE!

i got that same call at work today with the fog horn greeting, this time i decided to answer the ten questions and get my two free tickets for a cruise to the bahamas. after answering questions about whether or not i had diabetes, if i would sign up for a service that would call me and tell me when there was going to be severe weather and what kind of internet/tv services i had, they took my name and number and told me they would contact me within the next 48 hours about my cruise tickets . . . i'll be sure to blog from my ship to the bahamas.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

my family

my brother made this group e-mail thing for all of my extended family, mostly members of my dad's side. if you send an e-mail to this one address, everyone in the family gets it, it's pretty pretty cool. today i got an e-mail from my dad that was sent to everyone in the family. this is it:

(click to enlarge)

i'm not totally sure, or at all sure what any of this means or why he drew this, but i'm proud of him.

also, i would like to send a shout out to my grandma harriette, she's a foxy broad.

on a side note, i've decided i really like buying flowers and intend on buying them about once a week cause they're pretty.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

officially spring

poppies are my favorite flowers, red ones.

lately i've been thinking about how i would like to marry a cobbler, it's a dying art.

today at work i answered the phone and there was a loud fog horn on the other end, then a recorded voice said "hello! this is your captain speaking. you've just been given the opportunity to win two tickets for a cruise to the bahamas if you answer these questions!" and then the fog horn went off again and i hung up. it was very funny, i laughed out loud. i'm wondering now if i should have answered the questions.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

shirley temple

i luuuuuuvvvvv her!

when i was a little girl i would put on my tap shoes and make my mom curl my hair.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

st. patty

happy st patrick's day!

this is the chicago river, it's green on st patrick's day

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

spring time

it's spring time in chicago. i had the best taxi ride of my life. the windows were down, there were sweaty construction workers eating sandwiches on the curb and tina turner's "what's love got ta do with it" was playing on the radio.

definitely a moment worth blogging.

Monday, March 12, 2007


i want these

real bad

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

waking up

i've been having a really hard time waking up in the morning. i changed the alarm tone on my phone to be 'love me do' and now i wake up laughing.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

floating bed

so this dutch architect just spent the last 6 years designing a bed that floats.

there isn't really any information about it but i think it works the way two magnets work when they repel each other. i think the floor needs to have a magnetic pull that is the same as the bed is made from so they are constantly pushing away from each other while the four thin wires that are connected to the corners of the bed and stretch to points of attachment on the floor hold the bed plane in place.

i think this is pretty ridiculous but i would like very much to spend a night on one . . . they are 1.5 million dollars. cool though, right!?