Tuesday, March 20, 2007

officially spring

poppies are my favorite flowers, red ones.

lately i've been thinking about how i would like to marry a cobbler, it's a dying art.

today at work i answered the phone and there was a loud fog horn on the other end, then a recorded voice said "hello! this is your captain speaking. you've just been given the opportunity to win two tickets for a cruise to the bahamas if you answer these questions!" and then the fog horn went off again and i hung up. it was very funny, i laughed out loud. i'm wondering now if i should have answered the questions.


Adele said...

I miss you, Molly.

liv said...

one time i was in canada and it was for their veterans day and everyone was wearing poppy pins and it was confusing bc we didnt know why everyone was wearing them. but then we found out its just what they do and they do it other places too i guess.