Tuesday, March 27, 2007

my family

my brother made this group e-mail thing for all of my extended family, mostly members of my dad's side. if you send an e-mail to this one address, everyone in the family gets it, it's pretty pretty cool. today i got an e-mail from my dad that was sent to everyone in the family. this is it:

(click to enlarge)

i'm not totally sure, or at all sure what any of this means or why he drew this, but i'm proud of him.

also, i would like to send a shout out to my grandma harriette, she's a foxy broad.

on a side note, i've decided i really like buying flowers and intend on buying them about once a week cause they're pretty.


liv said...

hahahahha im chilly not picky is so funny!

Brett said...

I love you Molly. Your pretty cool.