Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Beginnings

This is a great blog, the best even. I would continue blogging here but I don't want to risk ruining what it is. Also it's more effort than a tumblr...

find me here!

rip bloggy

<3 molly

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday, February 22, 2009


even though this kitten was probably thrown into the air against it's will, i think it's one of the most darling kitten photos i've ever seen!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I made a new blog:


It's all about architecture and design. I decided I would rather blog about something that I'm really into and want to learn more about.

Bloggy will still be around for random things I decide I want to share but mollu will be my priority.

Thanks for being such dedicated readers, I really appreciate it!


Thursday, January 22, 2009


I've found a blog that I simply can't get enough of. It's an Australian photographer's blog. I frequent her flickr and there's always something that warms my heart.

I've decided to post an image each week of something wonderful. I'm sure many of the images will come from her, but I'll try to venture out into the world of happy images just for you.

This weeks Happy Image: "Golden + Sand"

One Blue Wren

I grew up with four seasons . . . mostly, and I really do enjoy them all. Each one makes you appreciate the next more. This winter, however, I've decided I'd like to live in the summer for more than just the summer. Thinking about long, warm days makes me smile. I feel like people are generally in a better mood, a little calmer and maybe even more adventurous in the summer time and right now, I could use me some-a-that.



This is a new beginning.

I've thought a long time about what Happiness is and how to achieve it. Every individual achieves Happiness in different ways, however, I believe there's a basic truth, or essence that is Happiness. I'll try my very best to define this essence throughout posts in this Bloggy.

I believe Happiness is a choice. I think it's something you have to decide you want and then work to achieve. I don't believe Happiness just comes to you, I don't think it comes from people or places, things . . . nouns, it's what you actively look for or recognize in those things that brings Happiness.

Actively working to be happy is something that, I believe, takes time and practice. I'm sure it comes more easily to some people than others, but I think the most important thing to remember is that the more you want it, and the harder you work for it, the happier you'll be and the easier it will be to stay happy. The moment you give up or stop working for it, the harder it will be to achieve. Waiting for it to come to you, or becoming frustrated that it's difficult to obtain only makes being happy harder.

Getting down on shit's easy and depressing, there are too many things that don't go our way. Working for Happiness, constantly evaluating the world around you and searching for the good gives you a broader perspective, a better understanding or at least a positive outlook.

Putting an emotion like Happiness into words is so difficult, hopefully, with practice, it will get easier.

Catch ya on the flip side.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


First I would like to apologize for my lack of posts, I've been busy work work working.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. What's getting without giving, am I right?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


What's happy? CANDY CANDY CANDY!

I did a little research and found that after eating a sugary treat, our brains release opioids natural chemicals that give our bodies a feeling of "intense pleasure".

I've been a Candy Kid for quite some time now and am ALWAYS in a better mood after a bag of Sour Patch Kids or a Butterfinger. Whether it be candy or something else, maybe something salty, pretzels maybe, I think it's important that everyone find something simple and accessible they can enjoy. Just remember, everything in moderation. The last thing you want to do is over indulge and then never want to enjoy your special treat again.

Post Script: While searching for images to add to this post it was nearly impossible to find a photo of someone eating candy or cake without a big grin across their face!


I think it's time to take a step back and really think about what this blog is for and what I intend it to do. Right now it feels more like a "Look At What I Found And Think Is Cool" blog, which is fine but I want something more.

I feel like I had the right idea when I named the blog so from here on out I plan on really making this a place for someone to come and read or see a bit of something I've decided help make things happy.

Why, you might ask, because I think being happy is the single most important thing in the world.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

hey guy

other blogs

i've been looking at other blogs and i found these photos that i just love love love!

graphic design

i found this website through another blog, http://www.whatisblik.com/janhabraken.html. the Studio Jan Habraken Wall Decals are what drew me in. they've been making stencils of real life objects that go into rooms and painting them on the walls of homes in really great bright colors.

i had an idea a long time ago to paint the silhouette of two lamps on either side of my bed, but never did it, now i wish i had.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


now that i have the internet again, it's time to "ketchup".

i graduated college, my brother got married, i moved to seattle for the summer, went camping, went to israel, went to salt lake city, went back to chicago and stayed with my mom for a little while, stayed with my dad in michigan (but didn't take any pictures), visited brett in santa fe and then went back to chicago, packed up all of my things and moved into an apartment with rachel in brooklyn, new york. oh, and i got a job, but i don't start until november 17th.



seattle: (i didn't take enough pictures in seattle guyz)


israel: (i climbed a mountain)

salt lake city: (my buddy liz got married)

chicago: (check out dat bean yo)

santa fe: (there are two because i wanted to dedicate one to the biggest rainbow i've ever seen)

job: http://www.lichtencraig.com/
pictures of brooklyn and the new, and FABULOUS, apartment to come.


an ode to the eames

i've written a little here and there about the design team and married couple, charles and ray eames but i really want to tell you more about them so you fall in love with them like i have.

most of this information is coming from our good friend wikipedia, so if you want to know more, you know where to go.

charles studied architecture and may or may not have been kicked out for having ideas that were "too modern" for their time. he looked up to a man you may or may not have heard of, eliel saarinen whose son, eero, he later befriended and worked with. charles' work was often called organic and ergonomic in form which we can see in his (and ray's) design of the molded plywood chairs.

ray was teaching at cranbrook (an arty farty school in detroit that my mom incidentally went to) when she met charles, who at the time was married. she taught textile classes and later designed textiles for upholstery and accessories. oh, also she only wore clothes by the designer that created the wardrobe for "the sound of music"

at some point they fell madly in love and charles ditched his boring wife and kids to run away to california with miss ray.

there, in california, they designed and built THE EAMES HOUSE. the house was part of a project/competition of architects and designers. their house was made of all prefabricated parts and was constructed in just one day. there are so many great pictures of them the day the house was being built. they were really fun, wonderful people that loved to play and travel.

the couple was very much about the process of design and solving problems with beautiful and creative solutions. i believe this is why i love them the way i do. they never designed something and said it was finished right away, they asked themselves questions and really perfected the things they put their names on. trial and error was huge in the eames office. they also didn't only design when they were asked/commissioned to, they were always working on projects and searching for problems to solve. they really wanted to bring "the good life" to everyone, they thought design should be beautiful, affordable, flexible and it was always plus if it could be prefabricated.

"what works is better than what looks good. the looks good can change, but what works, works." charles eames

ray kicked the bucket exactly 10 years, to the day, after charles.

they worked with molded plywood, like i said earlier, fiberglass, plastic resin and wire mesh when making furniture. they didn't stop at furniture though, charles and ray made short films such as "the powers of 10" and "mathematica: a world of numbers and beyond", textiles and children's toys.

oh, i want to make it clear that both charles and ray worked equally on almost all of the work we've seen from them but charles usually got all of the credit because it made their work more reputable and he was a man and that's simply how things were.

i would have put up more photos of their work but i really just want you to love THEM. google image search "eames" and you'll find all the beautiful design you'll ever need.