Saturday, November 1, 2008


now that i have the internet again, it's time to "ketchup".

i graduated college, my brother got married, i moved to seattle for the summer, went camping, went to israel, went to salt lake city, went back to chicago and stayed with my mom for a little while, stayed with my dad in michigan (but didn't take any pictures), visited brett in santa fe and then went back to chicago, packed up all of my things and moved into an apartment with rachel in brooklyn, new york. oh, and i got a job, but i don't start until november 17th.



seattle: (i didn't take enough pictures in seattle guyz)


israel: (i climbed a mountain)

salt lake city: (my buddy liz got married)

chicago: (check out dat bean yo)

santa fe: (there are two because i wanted to dedicate one to the biggest rainbow i've ever seen)

pictures of brooklyn and the new, and FABULOUS, apartment to come.



Adele said...

thank you! i've been trying to keep up but it's been hard.

liv said...

at first i was really confused why you would blog about ketchup. MEES UUUUUUUUUU!