Thursday, January 22, 2009


I've found a blog that I simply can't get enough of. It's an Australian photographer's blog. I frequent her flickr and there's always something that warms my heart.

I've decided to post an image each week of something wonderful. I'm sure many of the images will come from her, but I'll try to venture out into the world of happy images just for you.

This weeks Happy Image: "Golden + Sand"

One Blue Wren

I grew up with four seasons . . . mostly, and I really do enjoy them all. Each one makes you appreciate the next more. This winter, however, I've decided I'd like to live in the summer for more than just the summer. Thinking about long, warm days makes me smile. I feel like people are generally in a better mood, a little calmer and maybe even more adventurous in the summer time and right now, I could use me some-a-that.



Anonymous said...

I've never looked so forward to summer as I do right now.

liv said...

i want summer so bad.

Kenneth C Swoyer said...

you must have given up?