Sunday, February 22, 2009


even though this kitten was probably thrown into the air against it's will, i think it's one of the most darling kitten photos i've ever seen!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I made a new blog:

It's all about architecture and design. I decided I would rather blog about something that I'm really into and want to learn more about.

Bloggy will still be around for random things I decide I want to share but mollu will be my priority.

Thanks for being such dedicated readers, I really appreciate it!


Thursday, January 22, 2009


I've found a blog that I simply can't get enough of. It's an Australian photographer's blog. I frequent her flickr and there's always something that warms my heart.

I've decided to post an image each week of something wonderful. I'm sure many of the images will come from her, but I'll try to venture out into the world of happy images just for you.

This weeks Happy Image: "Golden + Sand"

One Blue Wren

I grew up with four seasons . . . mostly, and I really do enjoy them all. Each one makes you appreciate the next more. This winter, however, I've decided I'd like to live in the summer for more than just the summer. Thinking about long, warm days makes me smile. I feel like people are generally in a better mood, a little calmer and maybe even more adventurous in the summer time and right now, I could use me some-a-that.



This is a new beginning.

I've thought a long time about what Happiness is and how to achieve it. Every individual achieves Happiness in different ways, however, I believe there's a basic truth, or essence that is Happiness. I'll try my very best to define this essence throughout posts in this Bloggy.

I believe Happiness is a choice. I think it's something you have to decide you want and then work to achieve. I don't believe Happiness just comes to you, I don't think it comes from people or places, things . . . nouns, it's what you actively look for or recognize in those things that brings Happiness.

Actively working to be happy is something that, I believe, takes time and practice. I'm sure it comes more easily to some people than others, but I think the most important thing to remember is that the more you want it, and the harder you work for it, the happier you'll be and the easier it will be to stay happy. The moment you give up or stop working for it, the harder it will be to achieve. Waiting for it to come to you, or becoming frustrated that it's difficult to obtain only makes being happy harder.

Getting down on shit's easy and depressing, there are too many things that don't go our way. Working for Happiness, constantly evaluating the world around you and searching for the good gives you a broader perspective, a better understanding or at least a positive outlook.

Putting an emotion like Happiness into words is so difficult, hopefully, with practice, it will get easier.

Catch ya on the flip side.