Saturday, December 29, 2007


they make me so uncomfortable

i <3 sex in the city

i wish i had it on dvd. all of the characters are really great and really ridiculous, sometimes i hate them. i really love the show though, it makes me proud to be a woman?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

home fer da holidays

i love my pets so much, when i go home after not seeing them for a long time i torture them with love.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

beef jerky


i know its really gross, but oh man, do i love me that beef jerky!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

too much fun!

be there or be square

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

nail polish

i'm at work and there has been a lot of spice girls playing. it's taking me back to sitting on my bedroom floor painting my nails with powder blue, berry scented nail polish. i was cooler then.

they had a polish that changed with your mood!

mmm yumm

i've been drinking a lot of dunkachinos (spelling, whateves, its a made up word anyway)
they're like liquid candy with caffeine.

i don't really like doughnuts because i don't like bread. when i think about eating one too much i gag a little, BUT those pink doughnuts with colorful sprinkles are so pretty. i would like to be seen holding one.

i really don't care about my spanish final

not even a little bit

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

wonk wonk

tonight, on my way home from work i saw a purse laying in the middle of michigan avenue. i quickly ran into the street, put my arm out to stop a fat woman driving a mini van and picked up the purse and the wallet that had fallen out of it. it rain, rain, rained all day long today so the purse was not only run over and squished but it was soaking wet.

i brought the purse back to my apartment and began to go through it. a lipstick, or maybe two, had burst inside so everything was covered in pinkish red and smelled like a fancy mom. it was an ugly small purse with a lot of shit in it. (wallet, check book, cell phone, mystery envelope, car keys to a bmw, broken lipstick, and more) the wallet was PACKED with so many cards, credit cards, business cards, membership cards, 'if your child goes missing fill out one of these' cards, you name it. it was one of those purses that belongs to a rich woman who could buy a lot of cool things, but since she has bad taste, she has shitty things.

i found the drivers license, it was a woman, Lisa O'Connor from michigan with the same birthday as my dad! i called 411 and got some number for her name but when i called it just rang and rang with no voicemail. i decided to go through the purse more to see if i could find anything that might help me find the owner. i stumbled upon an envelope, an envelope with over $350 in cash inside of it... what a moral dilemma! 'i want that so bad' i thought to myself. there is a pair of boots i've been eyeing that cost $275, just the right amount.

i called a few friends to ask what to do and got mixed opinions. then i knew what i had to do, i had to call my mom who, of course, told me i had to return the purse with everything in it. as i was talking to her i found a business card that belonged to the woman so i called her office and left a message there. at this point i hadn't really decided whether i was going to give her all the money back, some of it back, or keep it and mail the rest anonymsly. i know taking the money would have been wrong, but those boots are hot.

so anyway, a few hours later she called me and asked if she could come to my apt to pick up her purse. she came with her husband, they looked wealthy. once she had gone through the purse and seen that i had not taken anything she thanked me sincerely and handed me $20. at first i did not accept, but she insisted, so i took it. for a little bit i thought it was wrong of me to take the $20, maybe i should have been noble all the way through the whole situation, but i've decided taking it was just fine. i'll buy myself something pretty with it.

ashley olsen

i used to like mary kate better but now i like ashley better


i'm not really big into watching youtube vids, HOWEVER, while im at work and i don't want to study for my spanish final, i like to youtube videos about people with autism, savants, octopus videos etc. you have to watch this, it makes me proud of the little guy.

found it

Monday, December 10, 2007

i want to be like this when i grow up

this is my grandma with my dad and his twin when they were babies. at this point she had three kids, but later she had another. i don't want a million children BUT i really like thinking about her and my grandpa setting up this picture so they could laugh about it and send it to people. what a cool couple a kids, huh?

on the back of the original photograph it says something like "this is what i do in my free time". i like to think she sent that to her mom or something.

i really like the coke in her pocket.

things i wish i didn't want

but i do

thank you sanrio

Sunday, December 9, 2007

in da studio

i'm working late in the studio at school, it's really fun because even though i have a lot of shit to do and i don't want to do any of it, there are a bunch of other kids here workin' and it's like a little community.

there is this one girl that really blows here and she cut her finger really badly with an X-zacto (spelling) knife. a bunch of kids went and got her towels and told the security guard who got her a cab and she had to go to the hospital! (run on sentence) she's back at the studio now, and she seems fine. i feel bad she hurt herself cause that just sucks and i'm sure she has a lot of shit to get done. i still think she sux though.

there is this one kid listening to really fuckin shitty music SO LOUDLY and i want to kick him in the neck. instead i'll turn on my latest fav, "out of gas" by modest mouse, and pretend that kid ain't her.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

LED lights!

hey! look what i learned how to do!

you need a battery and an LED light. you gotta check to see how much power the LED light needs cause if your battery is too
powerful it will blow the light and if the battery doesn't have enough power it will be sad and dark.

polarity matters!

LED lights are the most efficient lights
i'm making a model for one of my final projects that has an LED light in it, it's cooool

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


this is the background on my computer


it snowed again all night last night and it's so great! BUT every year i forget about the dangers of living in da big city during winter time . . .


watch out

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

for you

"bun bun"

highwaisted jeans

i don't care how trendy they are, i love them and i want them

natalie portman

i want a shirt like that

i don't care that she does coke

she's so cool

i like that blue shirt and those shoes and that bag

cool hat, some people just look great in hats

tucked in shirt, very cool

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

keira knightley

i really like keira knightley. she usually looks pretty classy and stunning. her clothes are cool and she always looks good in them. ya know, cause sometimes people have cool clothes but they don't look that good in them, but she looks great in clothes.

good dress

good dress with sweater

cool hat, so cool

cool hair and clothes

Saturday, December 1, 2007


to my mom. she sold 6 pieces last night!

december one

first snow fall in chicago!

Friday, November 30, 2007

mom art update

check out my mom's new blog!

reminder: gallery opening tomorrow!
friday 6 - 9
packer schopf gallery
942 w lake