Monday, September 29, 2008

got it

i just got this hat on sale at target.

i saw it and i wasn't sure if i liked it enough to buy it so i wore it around the store for a while and guess what, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! i want to wear it all the time everyday, all day long. i just think it's so great.

(strange lighting)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

new marimekko!

these are just the ones i like the best, there are a lot more at:

i can't help but like it

listen, i know she's crazy and sometimes she wears really ugly shoes, but most of the time, i wanna look like kitty kat.

i like this blazer

this baggy sweater over the fitted white tank is pretty classy without looking like she cares, even though we all know she does

even i'm willing to admit these pants a cutting it close to those balloon pants, HOWEVER, i like me a wide leg jean

this black 3/4 sleeve shirt is just great, very audrey hepburn. also, that hat is a bit much but i think a famous person can get away with it.

these two are just too cute!

again, that little one is just adorable! i like the baggy jean with the messy rolled cuff, i think it's cool, like she's gonna go put her feet in the water or something, so free spirited.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


i love her!

i think i may have posted this already, but i think she's really great and i love her voice!

she's kinda old fashioned like wino but way cleaner and less shity.

that picture is so classy!

i like her bangs in this one, if i let my hair get longer i might have to cut bangs like those

Friday, September 5, 2008

honey stix!

i'm trying to cut down on sour patch kids, they're not very good for your teeth. i found these straws filled with honey called HONEY STIX! they're great! sometimes they're honey flavored and sometimes they're other flavors in the honey, like strawberry. i've only seen them in coffee shops near the cream and sugar but once i find them in a grocery you better bet i'll buy a whole bundle of em!

fall clothes!

fashion inspiration

i know i've done this before, but i can't stress enough how much i want to look like audrey hepburn.

here are some inspiring images.

change is hard

1. i'm trying to get used to the new facebook layout. i know this is lame, but facebook told me that it's going to switch over to the the new layout and i gotta be ready for it.

2. i'm moving from seattle to chicago to new york city. i'm very, very excited about all of this but it's a little scary

3. i'm not in school anymore, for da first time ever, and i have to make money for real . . . this is scary also.



Wednesday, September 3, 2008

bed time story

once upon a time there was a flock of ducks flying south for the winter. two of the ducks got tired and decided to swoop down for a rest. they landed in a cool, leafy forest, on a pile of dead leaves and sticks. the two ducks started to talk about all of the things they were looking forward to down south. the ducks talked and talked, their voices slowly faded and they fell asleep.