Monday, June 30, 2008

da weekend

i went to olympia, washington this weekend and this is a list of all the wild animals i saw

1. seals in salty water
2. dead salmon being eaten by seal
3. jelly fish near the seals
4. dead craw fish type thing in stream
5. cyote on a hike
6. red tail hawk also on a hike
7. deer and baby deer
8. oysters
9. little snakes in the plants
10. tiny fish in a stream

i could hardly believe it!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

friends friends friends!

this summa i've been making friendship bracelets with liv and steph (2 of the 3 people that read dis) i wish rachel wortell was here so she could make them with us but since she's not we'll just have to make her a million of them and send them with the united states postal service.

liv figured out how to make some pretty fancy patterns, hopefully by the end of the summa we'll all have a billion bracelets with extraordinary patterns and vibrant colors!

Friday, June 20, 2008


i took the train from the burbs back to my apartment in the city today and as i was exiting the train station i saw an old man, 70 or so, wearing a black shirt with "TESTOSTERONE" printed in yellow across his belly. i wonder why he felt he needed to wear that shirt. later i saw a pregnant woman, she was basically wearing "ESTROGEN" across HER belly.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

in the news

today as i was catching up on current events i found a link on a news website to pictures of cute animals.

i hate people with posters of animals all over but, oh dear god, look at these guys!

according to the article, this pig won't go in the mud without his boots on.

this is a baby hedgehog, LORDY!