Wednesday, February 20, 2008

i want these

i still like big bags but lately i'm more into smaller ones, i just don't want to carry around that much stuff. i like the shape of this and the strap. i also think the clasp is delicate and for a lady

there is a picture of a purse like this at a bus stop i often stand at that i like much better than this one but i couldn't find a picture of the one at the bus stop so this will have to do. i'll try to get the designer of the bus stop bag and get back to you.

this one is similar to the first in that it's smaller and has a longer strap, however this one is plumper and fun for spring time.

this one caught my eye. i can imagine having a purse like this handed down to me, maybe something my grandma had and something i'll give to my daughter one day. the color is a dazzling golden yellow, a timeless color i think.

catch ya on the flip side


Adele said...

i love that last one, and i love the color. my grandma once gave me a hanky in that color and it smelled like her, and felt smooth like her cute grandma cheeks.

Rach said...

adele that comment was very cute.

molly, i am into small bags lately too because i also don't want to have so much shit with me all the time, and big bags hurt my back. so ya little bags is good now, but they didn't used to be, how funny how the times change.