Monday, May 21, 2007

real life

these are animals that live very very VERY deep in the ocean. if i had the choice to be able to fly or breath under water (and be able to withstand the cold and pressure) i would choose breath under water.

also this summer roolz!

Friday, May 11, 2007


it's my very first day of summmmmerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, May 7, 2007


today is my dad's birfday! i love him very much. it's also his twin's birfday and also my best buddy myke's birfday. happy birthday!

i want this

Sunday, May 6, 2007

naked man

my roommate and i just moved into a new apartment on the chicago river facing the wrigley building, and it's the size of a walnut, i adore it. across the street is the chicago regency hotel. last night we saw a man get naked and dance for a person in his hotel room, it was pretty much the best welcoming we could have ever asked for.

there are only 4 more days till it's summer, i think i'm gonna pee my pants.

look at em go

also i saw the joffrey ballet perform "light rain" with my ballet class and it was outstanding. there was this one dance with this man who i bet was the strongest man in the whole world. there was a strobe light going at a pretty even pace and this super man was in the air every time the strobe light was lit so it looked like he never touched the ground the entire dance. the whole audience was completely blown away, you gotta go see that shit. also there was a dance performed by my all time favorite dancer, maia wilkins, to a song by edith piaf who i just recently discovered and it rocked. i'm dropping out of school and becoming a professional dancer.